



2022夏季強烈日暈持續籠罩台北!The Strong Solar Halo in Taipei

那是食蝕不分的時代───日月「食」或「蝕」?It was an Chaos Era about the Chinese Word "Eclipse" of Sun and Moon

永遠不能「看」到的天文奇觀(二)日掩其他行星竟無人記載?Astronomical wonders that can never be seen (2) : Occultation of Planets by the Sun──No Recorded?

永遠不能「看」到的天文奇觀(一)日食歲星──日掩木星──被古書記載!?Astronomical wonders that will never be seen (1) : Occultation of Jupiter by the Sun──Recorded in Ancient Books

電視劇「斯卡羅 Seqalu : Formosa 1867」之日全食是真是假?Any Total Solar Eclipse in 1867?

敲敲打打可對付日食?史前古人眼中的日全食 Knock can Drive away Eclipse? Total Solar Eclipse through Prehistoric Ancients Eyes

占卜竟然比遺詔重要?日本占星術與陰陽道起源 Divination is more important than the Imperial Will? Japanese Astrology and the Origin of Onmyodo

古人眼中的日食 Solar Eclipses in the Eyes of the Ancients

偽日全食?2020年6月21日之日環食駕臨台灣! Fake Total Solar Eclipse or Annular Solar Eclipse in 2020

布拉格天文鐘:中世紀機械美學與天文之完美結合 Medieval Mechanical Prague Astronomical Clock-Staroměstský Orloj, Pražský Orloj

用音律可測太陽位置?候氣術是古法或是騙局?Measuring Position of the Sun with Music Tuning? HouQi

《地圖大歷史》射手座被放在遠東?Great Maps - Sagittarius is placed in the Far East?

小小日環食?金星凌日 Little Annular Eclipse? Transit of Venus

期待已久的2012年日環食終於登場!2012 Annular Solar Eclipse in Taipei

蘇州日全食「體驗記」Suzhou 2009 Total Solar Eclipse Experience

新疆遊記之日食全記錄 Xinjiang Travels : 2008 Total Solar Eclipse

綠色太陽!綠閃 Green Flash