那是食蝕不分的時代───日月「食」或「蝕」?It was an Chaos Era about the Chinese Word "Eclipse" of Sun and Moon
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永遠不能「看」到的天文奇觀(二)日掩其他行星竟無人記載?Astronomical wonders that can never be seen (2) : Occultation of Planets by the Sun──No Recorded?
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永遠不能「看」到的天文奇觀(一)日食歲星──日掩木星──被古書記載!?Astronomical wonders that will never be seen (1) : Occultation of Jupiter by the Sun──Recorded in Ancient Books
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電視劇「斯卡羅 Seqalu : Formosa 1867」之日全食是真是假?Any Total Solar Eclipse in 1867?
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敲敲打打可對付日食?史前古人眼中的日全食 Knock can Drive away Eclipse? Total Solar Eclipse through Prehistoric Ancients Eyes
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占卜竟然比遺詔重要?日本占星術與陰陽道起源 Divination is more important than the Imperial Will? Japanese Astrology and the Origin of Onmyodo
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偽日全食?2020年6月21日之日環食駕臨台灣! Fake Total Solar Eclipse or Annular Solar Eclipse in 2020
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布拉格天文鐘:中世紀機械美學與天文之完美結合 Medieval Mechanical Prague Astronomical Clock-Staroměstský Orloj, Pražský Orloj
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用音律可測太陽位置?候氣術是古法或是騙局?Measuring Position of the Sun with Music Tuning? HouQi
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《地圖大歷史》射手座被放在遠東?Great Maps - Sagittarius is placed in the Far East?
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期待已久的2012年日環食終於登場!2012 Annular Solar Eclipse in Taipei
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新疆遊記之日食全記錄 Xinjiang Travels : 2008 Total Solar Eclipse
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