

五星聚散兩依依──「五星連珠」如何定義 The Five Planets Gather and Divide - How to Define?

白天看不到星星與月亮?太白晝見?Can we See the Stars and the Moon during the Daytime?

永遠不能「看」到的天文奇觀(二)日掩其他行星竟無人記載?Astronomical wonders that can never be seen (2) : Occultation of Planets by the Sun──No Recorded?

「都是星星惹的禍」之「疫」薄雲天!The Epidemic Expands is All the Fault of Stars!

慈禧掌權之時天有異象?以統計來看古代占星術 Sky have a Vision when Cixi take power? Ancient Astrology in Statistics

怎麼用星星來占卜?東方占星術起源故事 How to use the Stars for Divination? Eastern Astrology Origin Story

系外行星「北落師門b」竟然消失了?Exoplanet Fomalhaut b Disappear?

《丈量宇宙!一眼秒懂全宇宙!》中文版勘誤 Cosmos: the infographic book of space - インフォグラフィックスでみる宇宙

史上首次接近冥王星──新視野號太空船全記錄 The First Approach Pluto in History - New Horizons Space Probe

《美麗的星》(美しい星)──三島由紀夫小說 Mishima Yukio - A Beautiful Star

冥王星降級事件之後續演變──第九行星爭霸戰 Pluto Downgrading Event - The Battle for the Ninth Planet

太陽系被表決只有八大行星──冥王星被除名──另歸類矮行星!Solar System was Voted to Have only Eight Planets - No Pluto - classified as a Dwarf Planet