

古天文猜猜看2:這些奇形怪狀是什麼天象?Ancient Astronomy Guess Part-2: What are these strange things?

五星級天象!月全食加掩天王星 Total Lunar Eclipse with Uranus Occulted by the Moon

《宇宙探秘》──今日世界出版社之古老科普書 Exploring Earth and Space - Popular Science Book by Margaret Hyde

難得一見的月掩金星──月食(蝕)太白──在2022年5月27日正午 Rare Occultation of Venus by the Moon - at noon on May 27, 2022

那是食蝕不分的時代───日月「食」或「蝕」?It was an Chaos Era about the Chinese Word "Eclipse" of Sun and Moon

白天看不到星星與月亮?太白晝見?Can we See the Stars and the Moon during the Daytime?

古人眼中的月食 Lunar Eclipses in the Eyes of the Ancients

乾隆與日食──日食月食相繼出現,災莫大焉該退休?Qianlong and Solar eclipse──Solar and Lunar eclipses appeared one after another, should retire?

慈禧掌權之時天有異象?以統計來看古代占星術 Sky have a Vision when Cixi take power? Ancient Astrology in Statistics

火星合月──月犯熒惑!2021年4月17日月亮距火星僅5~8角分 Conjunction of Mars and moon! April 17-2021 Only 5-8 arc minutes

布拉格天文鐘:中世紀機械美學與天文之完美結合 Medieval Mechanical Prague Astronomical Clock-Staroměstský Orloj, Pražský Orloj

這不是地球儀!這是月球儀 This is not a Globe! This is the Moon Globe

用手指登陸月球!美國NASA休士頓太空中心 Land on the Moon with Your Finger! NASA Houston Space Center