

人類自古就害怕奇形怪狀的彗星會帶來滅亡──科幻沙龍:彗星之滅 Humans have been afraid strange comets bring destruction: Science-Fiction-Salon: The Destruction of Comet

星座猜猜看:這幅古代圖畫裡是什麼星官?Guess the Constellation-Star official in this Ancient Painting

古希臘傳說中的喜帕恰斯星表重出江湖!Hidden Hipparchus Star Catalogue

西元前2200年巴比倫之恆星圖竟然與十二地支有關?奇文《釋支干》Babylonian Star Map in 2200 BC is Related to the Twelve Earthly Branches? "Shi Zhi Gan"

《甲骨文:一次占卜當代中國的旅程》書摘 Oracle Bones, A Journey Through Time in China - Peter Hessler

甲骨──假古?古老甲骨文記載的「天象紀錄」可信嗎?Oracle Bones-Fake Ancient? Are the Astronomical Records in Oracle Bones Reliable?

黯淡卻有型的翅膀:翼宿 The Faint Wings in the Chinese Twenty-Eight Mansions

黃金星圖「キトラ龜虎古墳壁畫」──相當於敦煌星圖的日本國寶 The Golden Star Map: Kitora Tumulus Mural──A Japanese National Treasure Equivalent to the Dunhuang Star Map

中國歷史幾千年?用天文學可以告訴你嗎?Can Astronomy tell you: How many Thousands Years of Chinese History