

2023年大學學測引用天文館謎樣星宿專欄「都是星星惹的禍」出題 The 2023 University Examination GSAT Citing the Mysterious Constellation Column - It's All the Faults of Stars

五星聚散兩依依──「五星連珠」如何定義 The Five Planets Gather and Divide - How to Define?

永遠不能「看」到的天文奇觀(二)日掩其他行星竟無人記載?Astronomical wonders that can never be seen (2) : Occultation of Planets by the Sun──No Recorded?

慈禧掌權之時天有異象?以統計來看古代占星術 Sky have a Vision when Cixi take power? Ancient Astrology in Statistics

聖誕樹掛星星的由來──伯利恆之星 The Origin of the Star on the Christmas Tree-Star of Bethlehem

2020年有趣天象:木星合土星──歲星犯填星 The 2020 Near conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn

百變星君──善變的五大行星 Variety Star King ── Five Changeable Planets