

五星聚散兩依依──「五星連珠」如何定義 The Five Planets Gather and Divide - How to Define?

超冷門的古代天空劃分法「十二次」Ultra-Unpopular Ancient Method of Dividing the sky "Twelve Ci"

發現《崇禎曆書》小錯誤──斗牛兩宿之誤植 Small Mistake in Chongzhen Calendar : Misplacement of Dipper mansion and Ox mansion

西元前2200年巴比倫之恆星圖竟然與十二地支有關?奇文《釋支干》Babylonian Star Map in 2200 BC is Related to the Twelve Earthly Branches? "Shi Zhi Gan"

美人也愛看!日本獨有的星占分野「天文分野之圖」Beauty Loves too! Japanese Unique Astrological Division

中國歷史幾千年?用天文學可以告訴你嗎?Can Astronomy tell you: How many Thousands Years of Chinese History