

古天文猜猜看2:這些奇形怪狀是什麼天象?Ancient Astronomy Guess Part-2: What are these strange things?

古天文猜猜看:綠色毛毛尾怪星是吉是凶?隱沒於星光後的天文黑暗史 Guess the Ancient Astronomy: the Dark History of Astronomy hidden behind the Stars

星座變立體了!立體星座書──杉浦康平、北村正利著 The Constellations Become Three-dimensional

星座猜猜看:這幅古代圖畫裡是什麼星官?Guess the Constellation-Star official in this Ancient Painting

大統通占──彩繪版占星古書──故宮展示中 Datong Tongzhan




2023年大學學測引用天文館謎樣星宿專欄「都是星星惹的禍」出題 The 2023 University Examination GSAT Citing the Mysterious Constellation Column - It's All the Faults of Stars

五星聚散兩依依──「五星連珠」如何定義 The Five Planets Gather and Divide - How to Define?

天文界之「張飛打岳飛」戲碼──華蓋星官位置的易動與1181年超新星 Chinese Constellation Huagai Position Change vs Supernova 1181 AD

千錯萬錯都不是星星的錯!Thousands of Mistakes are not the Fault of the Stars!

《中國恆星觀測史》2009版本勘誤表 History of Chinese Fixed Star Observations 2009 Version Errata

發現《崇禎曆書》小錯誤──斗牛兩宿之誤植 Small Mistake in Chongzhen Calendar : Misplacement of Dipper mansion and Ox mansion

2022夏季強烈日暈持續籠罩台北!The Strong Solar Halo in Taipei

現代星座才一百歲?百年星座物語 Modern Constellations are only a Hundred Years Old? Centennial Constellation Story

兩個十字架交疊的奇異星圖:《小德金星圖》Strange Star Map with Two Overlapping Crosses - Planisphère céleste chinois

甲骨──假古?古老甲骨文記載的「天象紀錄」可信嗎?Oracle Bones-Fake Ancient? Are the Astronomical Records in Oracle Bones Reliable?

那是食蝕不分的時代───日月「食」或「蝕」?It was an Chaos Era about the Chinese Word "Eclipse" of Sun and Moon

竄改古書的「食」變成「蝕」容易嗎?Is it Easy to Change the Word "Eclipse" in Ancient Books?