

人類自古就害怕奇形怪狀的彗星會帶來滅亡──科幻沙龍:彗星之滅 Humans have been afraid strange comets bring destruction: Science-Fiction-Salon: The Destruction of Comet

古天文猜猜看:綠色毛毛尾怪星是吉是凶?隱沒於星光後的天文黑暗史 Guess the Ancient Astronomy: the Dark History of Astronomy hidden behind the Stars


千古疑雲──人性本善還是人性本惡?《人慈》的解答 Humankind: A Hopeful History

《天動說》繪本──回到「相信天空會轉動」的中世紀!Geocentric model - Picture Book - Back to the Middle Ages

《地。-關於地球的運動-》讓科學也能驚心動魄!チ。-地球の運動について- Orb: On the Movements of the Earth


星星如果關心我們,那會關心誰呢?──小說《欽天監》If the Stars Care about us, Who do they Care About - The Novel "Qin Tian Jian"

《宇宙探秘》──今日世界出版社之古老科普書 Exploring Earth and Space - Popular Science Book by Margaret Hyde

《爸爸帶我看見宇宙》──罕見天文+父親之繪本 When Dad Showed Me the Universe - Picture Book

《甲骨文:一次占卜當代中國的旅程》書摘 Oracle Bones, A Journey Through Time in China - Peter Hessler

《欲望的美學》──該不該追求「欲望」?生命的意義在哪?平凡就是幸福?Aesthetics of Desire - What is the Meaning of Life?

如詩、如歌、如小說的《金縷鞋》Golden Shoes - Like Poetry, Song, and Novel

《製造無知》?希望你不知道或搞不清楚某些事情!Manufacturing Ignorance - PTS Drama