


五星聚散兩依依──「五星連珠」如何定義 The Five Planets Gather and Divide - How to Define?

千錯萬錯都不是星星的錯!Thousands of Mistakes are not the Fault of the Stars!

永遠不能「看」到的天文奇觀(二)日掩其他行星竟無人記載?Astronomical wonders that can never be seen (2) : Occultation of Planets by the Sun──No Recorded?

火星合月──月犯熒惑!2021年4月17日月亮距火星僅5~8角分 Conjunction of Mars and moon! April 17-2021 Only 5-8 arc minutes

花鈿委地無人收,此恨綿綿無絕期──楊貴妃的三星步搖 Three Stars Hair Stick of Imperial Consort Yang

北宋之轉捩點:熒惑犯氐?The Turning Point of the Northern Song Dynasty: Yinghuo committed Di

百變星君──善變的五大行星 Variety Star King ── Five Changeable Planets

《火星紀事》──闇黑又完美的虛構歷史 The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury - Dark and Perfect Fictional History

幽浮現身?分辨人造飛行物與自然現象的方法 UFO shows up? Methods of Distinguishing Man-made Flying Objects from Natural Phenomena