

日食路線猜猜看2:哪裡不太對勁?Solar Eclipse Map: Guess what's Wrong Part2

日食路線猜猜看1:哪裡不太對勁?Solar Eclipse Map: Guess what's Wrong



千錯萬錯都不是星星的錯!Thousands of Mistakes are not the Fault of the Stars!

甲骨──假古?古老甲骨文記載的「天象紀錄」可信嗎?Oracle Bones-Fake Ancient? Are the Astronomical Records in Oracle Bones Reliable?

那是食蝕不分的時代───日月「食」或「蝕」?It was an Chaos Era about the Chinese Word "Eclipse" of Sun and Moon

竄改古書的「食」變成「蝕」容易嗎?Is it Easy to Change the Word "Eclipse" in Ancient Books?

電視劇「斯卡羅 Seqalu : Formosa 1867」之日全食是真是假?Any Total Solar Eclipse in 1867?

乾隆與日食──日食月食相繼出現,災莫大焉該退休?Qianlong and Solar eclipse──Solar and Lunar eclipses appeared one after another, should retire?

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古人眼中的日食 Solar Eclipses in the Eyes of the Ancients

偽日全食?2020年6月21日之日環食駕臨台灣! Fake Total Solar Eclipse or Annular Solar Eclipse in 2020

小小日環食?金星凌日 Little Annular Eclipse? Transit of Venus

期待已久的2012年日環食終於登場!2012 Annular Solar Eclipse in Taipei

蘇州日全食「體驗記」Suzhou 2009 Total Solar Eclipse Experience

新疆遊記之日食全記錄 Xinjiang Travels : 2008 Total Solar Eclipse