

古天文猜猜看:綠色毛毛尾怪星是吉是凶?隱沒於星光後的天文黑暗史 Guess the Ancient Astronomy: the Dark History of Astronomy hidden behind the Stars

臺北天文館6/16「專家演講」帶您探尋古代天文的樂趣 Expert Speech-Explore the Fun of Ancient Astronomy

天文鐘猜猜看:這兩個天文鐘在哪?Where are these two astronomical clocks?



大統通占──彩繪版占星古書──故宮展示中 Datong Tongzhan



誤差、誤差,多少誤解假汝之手以行 Oh Error, what Misunderstandings are Committed in your Hands!

《天動說》繪本──回到「相信天空會轉動」的中世紀!Geocentric model - Picture Book - Back to the Middle Ages

《地。-關於地球的運動-》讓科學也能驚心動魄!チ。-地球の運動について- Orb: On the Movements of the Earth


2023年大學學測引用天文館謎樣星宿專欄「都是星星惹的禍」出題 The 2023 University Examination GSAT Citing the Mysterious Constellation Column - It's All the Faults of Stars

五星聚散兩依依──「五星連珠」如何定義 The Five Planets Gather and Divide - How to Define?

此天體非彼天體?天學不等於天文學?Celestial Body is not that Body? Ancient Chinese Astronomy is not the same as Astronomy?

天文界之「張飛打岳飛」戲碼──華蓋星官位置的易動與1181年超新星 Chinese Constellation Huagai Position Change vs Supernova 1181 AD

千錯萬錯都不是星星的錯!Thousands of Mistakes are not the Fault of the Stars!

《中國恆星觀測史》2009版本勘誤表 History of Chinese Fixed Star Observations 2009 Version Errata

星星如果關心我們,那會關心誰呢?──小說《欽天監》If the Stars Care about us, Who do they Care About - The Novel "Qin Tian Jian"