

星座猜猜看:這幅古代圖畫裡是什麼星官?Guess the Constellation-Star official in this Ancient Painting

天上有多少的「七星」?How many Seven Stars in the Sky?

如詩、如歌、如小說的《金縷鞋》Golden Shoes - Like Poetry, Song, and Novel

花鈿委地無人收,此恨綿綿無絕期──楊貴妃的三星步搖 Three Stars Hair Stick of Imperial Consort Yang

東坡先生,請問您是什麼星座?Mr. Dongpo, what is your Zodiac Sign

從小花到宇宙──《我存在 因為歌 因為愛》──鄧禹平詩集 From Little Flower to the Universe - I Exist Because of Songs and Love - Deng Yuping Poems

你的孩子不是你的孩子──紀伯倫《孩子》、泰戈爾《頌歌集》與公視戲劇 Children : Khalil Gibran, Tagore and PTS Drama

端午節、楚辭、與星辰 Dragon Boat Festival, Chu Ci and Chinese Constellations