

此天體非彼天體?天學不等於天文學?Celestial Body is not that Body? Ancient Chinese Astronomy is not the same as Astronomy?

發現《崇禎曆書》小錯誤──斗牛兩宿之誤植 Small Mistake in Chongzhen Calendar : Misplacement of Dipper mansion and Ox mansion

西元前2200年巴比倫之恆星圖竟然與十二地支有關?奇文《釋支干》Babylonian Star Map in 2200 BC is Related to the Twelve Earthly Branches? "Shi Zhi Gan"

乾隆與日食──日食月食相繼出現,災莫大焉該退休?Qianlong and Solar eclipse──Solar and Lunar eclipses appeared one after another, should retire?

不得已呀不得已!兩度翻案的「康熙曆獄」I have to! Kangxi Calendar Lawsuit Overturned Twice

古人眼中的日食 Solar Eclipses in the Eyes of the Ancients

戳破年獸的傳說───「年」是一種懂得曆法的怪獸嗎?Legend of the Nian Beast──Is Nian a monster that understands the calendar?