

人類自古就害怕奇形怪狀的彗星會帶來滅亡──科幻沙龍:彗星之滅 Humans have been afraid strange comets bring destruction: Science-Fiction-Salon: The Destruction of Comet



如詩、如歌、如小說的《金縷鞋》Golden Shoes - Like Poetry, Song, and Novel

系外行星「北落師門b」竟然消失了?Exoplanet Fomalhaut b Disappear?

另類星座──怪獸哥吉拉、雷神之槌、薛丁格的貓、小王子、星艦企業號──伽馬射線源 Alternative Constellations: Monster Godzilla, Thor's Hammer, Schroedinger's Cat, The Little Prince, Starship Enterprise by Gamma Ray

《火星紀事》──闇黑又完美的虛構歷史 The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury - Dark and Perfect Fictional History

有史以來第一張黑洞外觀照片出爐──地球般大的事件視界望遠鏡 The Event Horizon Telescope release First Black Hole image

追龍(非關電影):倪匡之中國古天文占星術小說 Chasing the Dragon (not movie): Ni Kuang's Ancient Chinese Astrology Novel

《三體──地球往事三部曲》:令人無限感慨的科幻史詩 The Three-Body Problem - Science Fiction Epic

《夏洛特》Charlotte シャーロット 動畫

《平行宇宙》──平行世界有無數的自己?Parallel Universe - There are countless selves in the parallel world?

《美麗的星》(美しい星)──三島由紀夫小說 Mishima Yukio - A Beautiful Star

幽浮現身?分辨人造飛行物與自然現象的方法 UFO shows up? Methods of Distinguishing Man-made Flying Objects from Natural Phenomena

《科學小飛俠》 Gatchaman 愛用火鳥功?免3D列印免黏膠之紙摺鳳凰號

《星艦迷航記》Q連續體自殺事件 Star Trek - Q Continuum Story